Woke Within Video Podcast
Transform From Within
Motivated by chronic dermatitis commonly known as eczema I’ve met an amazing skin community through my Instagram, FNA @wokewithinskin (now @raelleiswell). Through a two year journey that started in 2018, I learned more about my eczema and Topical Steroid Withdrawal than ever before as a lifelong patient. My greatest learning during this time was - myself - from the inside out: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually more than ever before.
Many video podcasts will be eczema focused (especially October’s Eczema Awareness Month) but as I’ve come to realize, these battles and necessary ways of thinking to transform my life from within for maximum health is simply good for everything and everyone.
Motivation, storytelling and clear directions are needed whether it is for career, relationships, or personal development. Tune in as we talk about the “hard stuff” with the intention of realizing that we’re not all that different after all.
Stay Woke Within For Your Skin and Beyond!
Full versions of audio podcasts coming soon.
WokeWithin: Camille Knowles - H.O.P.E.
HOPE is the anchor that keeps us pushing forward through the most insurmountable times. United Kingdom native, currently in France at the recording of this video, Camille Knowles of “The Beauty Of Eczema” embodies Hope so much that she has even created an acronym for eczema warriors, and all human warriors to carry through in order to live their best life imaginable.
P-ampering & Purpose
E-cotherapy & Eating well
Tune in to hear the extensive meaning of her HOPE Principals and as we discuss getting over the fear of the unknown with eczema flares and how she even see’s it as a friend. Emotional Intelligence and more are highlighted.
Learn more about Camille Knowles at her Instagram handle: @CamilleKnowles and @TheBeautyOfEczema
Watch above to hear how Camille is WokeWithin for her skin! Like, comment, subscribe to “Woke Within ME” Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/al7yo6EcZ8c
Watch below for some ending laughs as we play an #EczemaEdition of “Never Have I Ever” and “Would You Rather?”
WokeWithin: Kelly Barta - EMPOWER
Kelly Barta, TSW/Eczema warrior who is a trailblazer in her own right. From bed-written to the hospital with an extreme infection and more, she is the definition of tragedy to triumph!
Kelly has held titles such as Executive Director of ITSAN to leading Advocacy for the National Eczema Association, to now Project Manager for Asthma and Allergy Network. Her passion pours out of her as she speaks of her journey towards empowering herself and her reasons why.
I call Kelly an eczema boss lady! It is so wonderful knowing her and the time that we’ve spent together in our individual and collaborative roles in advocacy will continue to be cherished. Get to know Kelly, because although all of the titles are great to have in order to move the fight forward, she is your everyday eczema warrior that stayed the course to healing.
Watch above to hear how Kelly is WokeWithin for her skin! Like, comment, subscribe to “Woke Within ME” Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/AE6suZCvJYc
Watch below for some ending laughs as we play an #EczemaEdition of “Never Have I Ever” and “Would You Rather?”
Take a moment from the depths of being Woke Within from our interview with the beautiful Kelly, and channel into the fun parts that are also a part of the journey...
WokeWithin: Ashley Ann Lora - VISION
Welcome our first guest, co-founder of VisionHERy and eczema warrior, advocate, patient research partner and friend that I’ve been blessed to meet early on through my WokeWithinSKIN eczema/tsw journey in 2018.
Ashley speaks about the importance of having a healing mindset and the necessity to envision your future self to make healing a greater reality. Bed-written during her lowest times with Topical Steroid Withdrawal she had the belief that she was going to heal and that gave her the needed push to never give up in her journey.
Ashley shares that to her, being WokeWithin means, “Returning To Love.” We love that and you!
Watch above to hear how Ashley is WokeWithin for her skin! Like, comment subscribe to “Woke Within ME” Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnnIp2xgJUk&t=4s
Watch below for some ending laughs as we play an #EczemaEdition of “Never Have I Ever” and “Would You Rather?”
WokeWithin: K. Kitchen - DIET
The word DIET can often give a negative connotation as being restrictive, but ultimately the goal when talking about the diet necessary for eczema improvement is more about what needs to be added to promote change versus solely restrictive dieting. Once you go through the detox process of eliminating certain processed foods, INTUITIVE dieting is the desired end result to maintain eczema and overall health!
Watch as K Kitchen speaks about the LIFESTYLE necessary for healthy skin and the process that is necessary. With an Aerospace Engineering background, this gem and beautiful human from the inside out has used her great analytic abilities to heal her skin and is helping others to do so too!
Watch above to hear how K is WokeWithin for her skin! Like, comment, subscribe to “Woke Within ME”
Watch below for some ending laughs as we play an #EczemaEdition of “Never Have I Ever” and “Would You Rather?”